An Introduction

Hey there!  Thanks for taking a moment to peek through the website for The Shadowvane Podcast.

I wanted to formally introduce myself and talk a bit about this podcast and what you can expect in the coming months.

First, introductions.  My name is Andrew Lister.  I’m a high school and college English professor in the Midwest.  I also consider myself an aspiring writer with a few minor writing credits to my name.  I am also a lover of podcasts.  Not only do I subscribe and keep up with a dozen great shows, but I’m also a co-host on a wrestling podcast, The Rundown Wrestling Podcast.

I have decided to blend my love for writing with my love for podcasting to create a radio drama that I’m calling The Shadowvane Podcast.

What is Shadowvane all about, you ask?

Shadowvane is a podcast that tells a narrative in audio chapters.  Think of Shadowvane as a bunch of different stories being told episodically.  Examples exist within the modern conception of podcasting, such as Welcome to Night Vale or Sayer.  Shadowvane will create shorter stories consisting of anywhere from 10-20 episodes.

In the spirit of the radio drama, each podcast episode won’t merely be a reading of a narrative.  Instead, voice actors will bring each character to life with the added help of music and other sound effects.

So some of you may be asking, “Ok, that sounds great!  So where’s the podcast?”

The podcast is currently in the creation stage.  I’m writing the first series of episodes right now for a story entitled Progenix Labs.  The goal right now is to finish at least half of the writing for the series and have each thoroughly edited by the end of August.  From there, I’ll be holding open casting for both major and minor voice acting roles in the series.  Specific details on this process and obligations will come when we get to that point sometime late August or early September.

Keep checking back for more information on how things are coming along and follow us on Twitter @ShadowvaneCast.  I’ll be posting some teaser information both places on our first story.

We hope you enjoy!